Having a strong intuition is like having a secret superpower. It’s this uncanny ability to sense things about people and situations that others might miss.
Those of us with strong intuition can usually pick up on subtle cues, understand underlying motivations, and even predict future behaviors.
In many cases, our gut feelings turn out to be spot on. But what exactly are these things that we’re picking up on?
Here are nine things that people with strong intuition can typically sense about others. And don’t worry, it’s not about mind-reading or manipulation – it’s about understanding, empathy, and connection.
1) Hidden emotions
Have you ever had a feeling that someone is upset, even if they’re smiling and saying everything’s fine? That’s your intuition at work.
People with strong intuition often have a heightened ability to sense hidden emotions. They can pick up on subtle shifts in body language, tone of voice, or facial expressions that others might miss.
This isn’t about intruding on someone’s privacy or trying to psychoanalyze them. It’s simply about being attuned to the emotional undercurrents that are part of every human interaction.
So, the next time your gut tells you something isn’t quite right with a friend or colleague, trust it. Your intuition might be picking up on something they’re trying hard to hide.
2) Authenticity
I remember being at a networking event a few years ago. I was introduced to a man who was charming, engaging, and seemingly very interested in what I had to say. But something about him just didn’t sit right with me.
Despite his polished exterior, my intuition was screaming that something was off. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I had this nagging feeling that his interest was not genuine.
Fast forward a few weeks, and it turned out my instincts were correct. I discovered he was renowned for his manipulative tactics and often used charm to take advantage of others in business deals.
Those with strong intuition are usually very attuned to authenticity – or a lack thereof. We tend to sense when someone is putting on a front or not being true to who they are.
While it can be hard to trust these gut feelings, especially when there’s no apparent reason for them, they often prove to be correct in the long run.
3) Motivations
People with strong intuition often have a knack for understanding what drives others. They can sense underlying motivations and intentions that aren’t immediately apparent.
Psychologists believe this is because intuitive people are highly observant. They unconsciously pick up on subtle cues and patterns in people’s behavior, allowing them to make accurate guesses about their motives.
For instance, they might notice that someone always becomes more talkative when a certain person is in the room, leading them to conclude that they have some kind of interest in that person.
This ability to understand others’ motivations can be incredibly useful in navigating social situations and building strong relationships. It can also help intuitive people avoid being taken advantage of, as they’re often quick to recognize when someone’s actions don’t align with their words.
4) Energy
Another thing people with strong intuition can sense is energy. We’ve all walked into a room and felt the atmosphere change – whether it’s tension, excitement, or discomfort.
This isn’t about something mystical or supernatural. It’s about being sensitive to the emotional climate around us.
Intuitive people often report being able to ‘feel’ the energy of a room when they enter it, or even the energy of an individual person. They pick up on vibes, moods, and even tensions that others may not notice.
This ability helps them navigate social situations more effectively, react to others with more understanding, and even protect themselves from negative or harmful environments. It’s not about reading minds, but about reading feelings and responding appropriately.
5) Dishonesty
Dishonesty is another thing that people with strong intuition can usually sense. Have you ever had a gut feeling that someone was lying to you, even though you couldn’t quite put your finger on why?
This is because intuitive people are often extremely adept at picking up on inconsistencies. They might notice that someone’s words don’t quite match their body language, or that their story changes slightly each time they tell it.
Of course, this isn’t foolproof. People can be wrong, and it’s important not to jump to conclusions without evidence. But when used wisely, this intuitive sense of dishonesty can help protect you from being deceived or taken advantage of.
6) Pain
People with strong intuition often have an uncanny ability to sense when others are in pain. It doesn’t matter if it’s physical or emotional, somehow, they just seem to know.
This empathy goes beyond just picking up on obvious signs of distress. Intuitive people can often sense suffering even when someone is doing their best to hide it.
This sensitivity isn’t always easy to bear. It can be hard to feel the pain of others so keenly. But it also opens the door to deep compassion and understanding.
Being able to sense someone’s pain allows intuitive people to respond with kindness and support when it’s most needed. And often, that’s exactly what a person in pain needs most – someone who sees their struggle and cares enough to reach out.
7) Fear
A few years back, I had a close friend who always seemed so confident and fearless. She was the type of person who would take on any challenge head-on. But one day, I noticed she seemed a little off before a big presentation.
Even though she laughed and brushed off my concerns, I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was afraid. Later, she confessed that public speaking was her biggest fear and she had been terrified about the presentation.
Intuitive people often sense fear in others, even when it’s well-hidden. Whether it’s anxiety about a job interview, stress about a personal matter, or fear of rejection, those with strong intuition can often pick up on these hidden fears.
Recognizing fear in others allows intuitive people to provide support, reassurance, and comfort in moments of uncertainty. It gives us the chance to be there for others in their time of need, even when they’re too scared to ask for help.
8) Unspoken needs
Another thing that people with strong intuition can usually sense is unspoken needs. They can often pick up on what a person needs, even if they haven’t voiced it themselves.
This could be as simple as noticing that a colleague is overwhelmed and could use some help, or as complex as sensing that a friend needs someone to talk to about a personal issue.
Intuitive people are often naturally empathetic, which allows them to tune into the needs of others and offer assistance when it’s needed most. This ability can make them invaluable friends, partners, and colleagues who are able to provide support in both big and small ways.
9) Potential
Perhaps the most powerful thing that people with strong intuition can sense is potential. They have a knack for seeing the possibilities that lie within others, often before the individual sees it themselves.
This isn’t about making predictions or having unrealistic expectations. It’s about recognizing the strengths, talents, and passions that make each person unique.
Intuitive people often have a vision for what others could achieve, given the right opportunities and support. They see beyond the surface, beyond the present circumstances, to the potential that lies within.
This ability allows intuitive people to uplift and inspire those around them, helping others to see their own potential and strive towards it.
Embracing intuition
Intuition, often dubbed as the ‘sixth sense’, is deeply interwoven into our subconscious mind. It’s a part of us, guiding us, alerting us, and often leading us towards understanding others and ourselves better.
What’s truly amazing is that every single one of us possesses this ability to some degree. It’s a universal trait, it’s just that some people have learned to recognize and trust their intuitive insights more than others.
If you’ve ever had a gut feeling about something or someone, that’s your intuition talking. And if these points resonate with you, chances are you’re one of those people with a strong intuitive sense.
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