We’ve all been there, that gut feeling that something just isn’t right. You can’t put your finger on it, but you know you’re being taken for a ride. The sad reality is, some people in our lives may not have our best interests at heart.
So, pour yourself a cup of tea, and let’s delve into the 12 signs that someone is taking advantage of you.
It’s time to recognize the signs, trust your instincts, and take back control. Who knows? You might just find the courage to say “enough is enough” and move on.
1) They only reach out when they need something
Have you ever noticed that certain “friends” or “family members” only seem to remember you exist when they need a favor?
It’s not a pleasant feeling, I can tell you.
If someone is frequently contacting you only when they require help or want something from you, it’s a clear sign that they are taking advantage of your good nature.
Healthy relationships are about give and take, not just take.
2) You feel emotionally drained after spending time with them
If I’ve learned anything, it’s that our emotions are a powerful indicator of the health of our relationships.
If spending time with someone consistently leaves you feeling drained, stressed or upset, it’s a sign that the relationship is not balanced.
But it’s also a sign that you’ve not got boundaries. Why do I say that?
Because I was you. I constantly felt exhausted after spending time with friends, and I often felt used and abused, until I realized that I was allowing these relationships to continue because I lacked boundaries.
And I lacked boundaries because I lacked self-respect and self-love.
It wasn’t until I enrolled in the Self-Love Journey by world-renowned shaman Rudá Iande that I was able to recognize all this and finally make healthy changes – changes that put me back in control and taught me how to honor and love myself.
As a result, I started picking better company. I let go of people who took advantage of me. Once I started loving and respecting myself, everything else fell into place.
You deserve that too.
Here’s the link once again. Right now it’s on special offer, so take advantage and start your own journey today.
3) They are constantly praising you
I know, it sounds odd. But constant, over-the-top praise isn’t always a sign of genuine admiration.
In some cases, it can actually be a manipulative tactic to keep you compliant and willing to meet their needs.
If someone is always lavishing you with compliments, especially right before asking you for a favor, it could be their way of softening you up so you’re more likely to agree to their requests.
It’s crucial to recognize this pattern and not let flattery cloud your judgment.
4) They rarely show gratitude
When I do something kind for someone, I don’t expect anything in return, but a simple ‘thank you’ is always appreciated.
If you notice that someone rarely expresses gratitude or acknowledges your efforts, it can be a sign that they’re taking your kindness for granted.
Genuine appreciation is a key aspect of any healthy relationship. If it’s missing, it’s time to reconsider their place in your life.
5) They never reciprocate
I believe in the balance of give and take.
If you’re always the one giving—be it time, resources, or emotional support—and they’re always on the receiving end, it’s a glaring red flag.
Relationships are about mutual support and reciprocity. If they never return your favors or help out when you’re in need, it’s likely you’re being taken for a ride.
It’s time to reassess and demand the respect you deserve.
6) They are often dismissive of your problems
When you care about someone, their problems matter to you. You listen, offer advice when appropriate, and provide comfort.
However, if someone dismisses your problems, trivializes your feelings, or changes the subject when you’re sharing something important, it’s a sign they are more interested in their own needs than yours.
This lack of empathy is often a characteristic of someone who is exploiting your relationship for their own benefit.
7) You often feel used
There’s an old saying that actions speak louder than words. And it rings true when someone in your life only seems to be around when they need something.
I’ve experienced this myself. There was a friend I had who would only reach out when they needed a favor or were going through a rough patch. Once the crisis was averted, they’d vanish, only to reappear when the next problem came along.
This kind of pattern left me feeling like a convenience, a tool to be used and then put away until needed again. It wasn’t a friendship; it was a transaction.
8) They guilt-trip you into saying yes
Feeling guilty when you can’t meet someone’s expectations is another sign that you might be being taken advantage of. This guilt can manipulate you into doing more than you’re comfortable with just to avoid disappointing them.
Did you know that guilt is one of the most powerful emotional levers for controlling people’s behavior?
Individuals often comply with requests to avoid feelings of guilt. It’s a strong emotion that can make us act against our own interests.
I get that, as I mentioned earlier, I used to allow all sorts of disrespect. I would struggle to say “no” because I didn’t value myself. And those people knew that.
But the changing point was when I took the Self-Love Journey that I spoke about earlier on. When I started practicing self-care, my confidence grew. When I developed unconditional love for myself, I stopped being a slave to people who disrespected me.
The process didn’t happen overnight, but I did see changes from the first day.
Now, I have no problem saying “no” to people who don’t value or appreciate me. Because I know my worth and I stick to my boundaries.
If you want to achieve the same, here’s the link to the Self-Love Journey once again (currently on special offer, so well worth checking out).
9) They never take responsibility for their actions
Most of us know that taking responsibility for our actions is a basic part of being an adult.
However, if someone consistently blames others for their mistakes or refuses to acknowledge when they’ve done something wrong, it’s a clear sign they’re not respecting your relationship.
People who take advantage of others often have a knack for playing the victim, making it seem like they’re the ones being wronged.
Don’t fall for it; hold them accountable.
10) Your boundaries are constantly being crossed
Setting boundaries is a key part of maintaining healthy relationships. These can be physical, emotional, or even time-related. But what happens when someone repeatedly crosses those boundaries?
I remember a time when a friend of mine would often show up unannounced at my house.
At first, I didn’t mind. But then it became a constant thing, happening even when I had clearly expressed that I was busy or needed some alone time.
Despite me letting them know that I needed my space, they kept pushing the limits, showing a complete disregard for my boundaries. This constant intrusion not only disrupted my personal time but also made me feel disrespected.
When someone continually ignores your boundaries, it’s a clear sign they’re taking advantage of your good nature. Recognizing this behavior is the first step towards asserting your needs and reclaiming your space.
11) They downplay your achievements
Everyone loves to share their victories and achievements with people they care about. But how does this person react when you share your successes?
Instead of celebrating with you, they tend to downplay your accomplishments or divert the conversation back to them. This is because they are trying to take advantage of your good nature.
Healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect and admiration.
If someone constantly belittles your achievements or makes you feel less important, it’s a sign that they don’t value you as they should. Consider whether this is a relationship worth keeping in your life.
12) They make you question your worth
Nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws. Yet, in the eyes of those who genuinely care about us, our value is not diminished by our imperfections.
If someone constantly points out your flaws or makes you feel like you’re not good enough, it’s a harsh sign that they might be taking advantage of your insecurities.
You deserve to be surrounded by people who uplift you, who see your worth and make you feel loved, not less.
If someone consistently makes you question your self-worth, it’s a clear indication that they are not respecting you as they should. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but recognizing this is a crucial step towards reclaiming your self-esteem.
Understanding the impact of such relationships
Recognizing the signs that someone is taking advantage of you is the first step. However, understanding the impact of these dynamics on your overall well-being is equally important.
These relationships can chip away at your self-esteem over time, leaving you feeling emotionally drained and uncertain about your worth. You might find yourself constantly walking on eggshells, anxious about upsetting the other person or even doubting your perception of reality.
But it’s crucial to remember that you are not at fault here. The problem is not with you, but with the person who is exploiting your kindness and generosity. You are not responsible for their actions or their manipulation.
Furthermore, it’s important to understand that it’s okay to let go of toxic relationships. Although you might feel guilty or scared about cutting ties, prioritizing your well-being and mental health is more important.
You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and it’s completely alright to distance yourself from those who fail to provide that.
You should never have to compromise your self-worth for the sake of a relationship. So if you’re realizing that someone is taking advantage of you, remind yourself that it’s not a reflection on your character – it’s a reflection on theirs.
You have every right to stand up for yourself, express your needs, and seek out relationships that enrich and uplift you rather than drain and devalue you.
And one surefire way to achieve the above is to take part in the Self-Love Journey – I know, I know, I’ve mentioned it a few times now. But there’s a reason – it’s life-changing. It’s the one course that has radically improved the relationship I have with myself, and therefore the relationships I have with others.
So if you want to move on from people who take advantage of you, do yourself a favor and check it out whilst it’s on special offer. I have no doubt it’ll change your life, too.
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Do you sometimes question what really matters most in life? Feel unclear on the principles that should steer your decisions and path ahead?
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