Out of the Box
A blissful cyber-shamanic journey of self-exploration for developing your personal power and reframing your reality

Led by world-renowned shaman, Rudá Iandê, Out Of The Box pushes aside the usual “feel-good” shamanistic mysticism and instead offers you a practical self-development program which promises you one thing…
…If you make a sincere effort to apply it’s teachings, you’ll unleash a personal power which makes you stronger, more confident, and more peaceful than you ever thought you could be.
So how special is Out Of The Box?
Well, for starters, you get…
Rudá Iandé introduces Out Of The Box and explains what changes it will bring to your life in the video below.

Well, as human beings, we have been gifted with the capacity to imagine – this brings with an often overwhelming abundance of myths, concepts, ideologies and religions.
And what happens next, is quite subtle yet unintentionally sinister…
You see, as children, we become imprisoned by many false myths and concepts which disrespect who we are as human beings, limiting our capacity to achieve success in life on our own terms.
We end up seeing ourselves in an extraordinarily limited way. We conform to what society expects of us. We live our lives based on expectations which are not truly ours. We end up basing our lives not only on the expectations of family and close friends, but also from societal expectations which are deeply planted in our subconscious mind.
The best time is now. Get unlimited access to Out of the Box
Rudá Iandê is going to sweep away your doubts and show you how to connect with your purpose, enhance your personal power and live the life of your dreams (this will be through exclusive videos, challenges, exercises and a whole bunch more).
Rudá hasn’t just created a program to help, he’s created a program to teach you how to RESHAPE YOUR REALITY. By practicing his teachings 10-20 minutes per day over 16-weeks, you’ll develop into something stronger, more clear-minded, and achieve greater peace than you’ve experienced in a very long time.
Rudá is the absolute top-of-the-pyramid and he works individually with only ten new clients per year. But now he created The Vessel to make his teachings accessible to a much wider audience. With this program, it’s your opportunity to learn Rudá’s methods for a mere fraction of the face-to-face cost.
- The FULL 16-week program for creating a life-changing blueprint
- 25 powerful videos designed by Rudá Iandê (all providing in-depth explanation and example)
- 18 challenges and exercises to turn you experiential learnings into real-life change
- 6 self-exploration quests to bring you to a deep level of awareness and self-knowledge
- Lifetime access to all materials and future updates to the program
- Laughing in the Face of Chaos, Rudá Iandê's perception shattering book
- Access to Out of the Box Discussion Group
- Certificate of conclusion at the end of the journey, issued by The Vessel
- Our 365-day money-back-guarantee - honestly, we don't have to offer this, but we want to make this a completely risk-free purchase
Out of the Box is designed as a 16-week online journey to transform you into something stronger than you are now.
Through a powerful combination of video and written lessons and practical real-world challenges and exercises (all of which you will have lifetime access to, including all future updates), you’ll move through your journey at your own pace with Ruda by your side every step of the way.
In fact, from your very first moment with Out of the Box, you’ll start to experience a profound connection with your deeper self. By the end of the program, you’ll have the tools to live your life in harmony with your true nature, constructing the life of your dreams.
And it can all begin today.

Your journey begins with us helping you reconnect with the true source of your authenticity and creativity… your inner nature.
By taking a deep breath and calmly examining the concepts which have shaped your understanding of yourself and your reality up to this point, we’ll unravel the influences which are currently forcing limited perspectives on you.
We’ll then present you with the tools for breaking through these perspectives, allowing you to start living a life aligned with your true nature.
To reclaim your power as an individual, you first have to confront the fears preventing you from living a life true to yourself.
This isn’t always easy.
But by doing this, you’ll discover how you can transform your fears from a limiting force in your life into a powerful impetus for creating massive change.
But we go even further than this… because you’re also going to be armed with powerful tools which enable you to develop a new relationship with your emotions and consciousness, allowing you to fully embrace your true nature.
Is your life a dream?
Not exactly.
But how you perceive reality is the result of your deeper belief system and subjective constructions which have shaped your life up to this point.
In this module, we’ll turn to an examination of this deeper belief system and subjective constructions, and by using the tools we’ve learned, help you develop a new blueprint for your life – one that is aligned with your deeper nature.
This is it.
The time for bringing together everything you’ve learned to complete the final transformation and go to action…
Living life on your own terms and materializing your innermost dreams.
In this final module, we’ll provide the tools to help you connect with your most powerful impetus for creating change… something beyond your thoughts…
Your instinct.
Otherwise known as the intelligence of nature within you.
And once you do this, you’ll discover the most powerful impetus to life-empowering change of all…
…the ability to make your own emotions work for you rather than against you.
At this point, you’ll be on the path to living out your true purpose.


10 deep level exercises to go beyond your "Thinking Mind"
Each of our modules contain video and audio exercises to help you get beyond the “thinking mind” to connect at a deep level with your instinct and consciousness.
8 powerful challenges to help you embrace what you are learning
Rudá Iandê has specifically designed powerful challenges (there are 2 per module) for you to embrace what you’re learning and apply it into your life.

6 self-exploration quests
Self-exploration quests take you on a powerful journey within. They enable you to develop a more powerful understanding about yourself and the concepts which shape your life. Rudá Iandê has designed 6 self-exploration quests – each one challenging and guiding you to a greater self-awareness, inner-peace, and confident strength.
Discussion group
You’ll have direct access to Rudá Iandê, your instructor. Rudá will walk side by side with you during your Out of the Box journey. You’ll also meet your colleagues and be part of a powerful team of members who empower each other along the path.

Laughing in the face of chaos e-book
The book described as a politically incorrect Shamanic Guide For Modern Life. A 170 pages e-book where Rudá Iandê shares his teachings and insights to living a meaningful and authentic life through ancient shamanic lessons.
Get your lifetime access to Out of the Box
The course was informative, thought-provoking, interesting, and clearly what the world needs right now. Too many people are living in a box with the door closed… time to open the door and look around, question what is going on, what we are doing, and how we are doing it.
I like the articles and viewpoints very much. They give food for thought and aid my own development. Your thinking and approach are genuine, often positively different from the ‘American’ mainstream culture of “you have to do and be more, better, and improve all the time.” One feels more at ease and balanced with your philosophy, less stressed and anxious.

The vessel is very inspiring and offers insights and perspectives completely outside of the box. It has helped me gain a deeper understanding of the nature of my soul and my true purpose. I have also been able to find a tribe that helps me not feel so alone facing society’s challenges, as well as become stronger and more focused on my higher path.
Very profound and deep, thought-provoking as they say… it’s totally out of the box. These folks are totally on the money. A must-read for anybody who’s trying to increase their progress in life.

Rudá Iandê is a world-renowned shaman who has helped thousands of people to align their lives with their instinct, consciousness, and true nature. His knowledge is unique because it comes from allying ancient shamanic knowledge with a modern-day focus on helping people to drive change in their lives.
In Rudá’s own words:
“My work is unique because it comes, from the essential knowledge in my core, from my intuition and from my talent, which has been refined over more than 28 years of practice, during which i have been working with thousands of clients from all over the world. I share this knowledge with people who value it and dedicate their time and energy to a purpose: that of knowing themselves. My language is not mystical, it is practical. I instigate people to overcome their limitations. I believe true spirituality should generate impact on the material and day-to-day dimension. I only believe in knowledge that can be applied, that drives change.””

"A deep dive into the nature of self, the nature of life, and how human beings play into all of this."
“Out of the Box was for me a deep dive into the nature of self, the nature of life, and how human beings play into this, plus exploring what really makes up my own lived experience. Doing so with a likeminded group of people, while being guided by a very fantastic human being – I couldn’t have been more impressed! It’s so helpful that Rudá Iandê is someone who sees the wider world and humans as an integral part of that world so clearly. I’ve finally been able to shape my own perspective after finishing Out of the Box.”

"Completely changes how you actually feel. Alongside his guidance, it's great to have a group of people that are going through the same exercises."
“Rudá Iandê is a very authentic person and is really good at giving you a different perspective. For example, basic things like the relationship you have with your own body which is actually one of the most essential things in life. He also gives a framework on how to deal with your basic emotions like fear, anger, and frustration and it completely changes how you actually feel. Alongside his guidance, it’s great to have a group of people that are going through the same exercises, also changing their ideas and frameworks.”

"Out of the box has been a powerful journey that has provided me with everyday tools and lessons to recenter."
“I found that it helped me to align my energy, define my inner compass, and embrace all of my emotions. I feel lighter and unchained, and far more able to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life”.

"I used to believe that some emotions were negative. But now I’m learning that they can be powerful forces in your life if they are used right."
” The other thing Out of the Box taught me is how to be playful with all the different personas inside of me, which taught me a great deal. It also helped me to face and explore my fears of rejection and understand that these only exist in my mind. I’ve learned that my fears are capable of showing me new paths in life. They aren’t something I need to run away from anymore, but something to dive into and learn from.”

"It’s the sort of program where you can’t escape yourself, so at times it’s very confronting and I think that’s a blessing."
“I think it’s rare that we’re put into positions or situations where we are truly forced to look into ourselves. Out of the Box is one of those rare opportunities. It’s a chance to strip back everything that you think about yourself and the way you go into the world.”

“The thing I like most more than anything else about Rudá is that he's a guide, not a guru.“
“The process is far purer than just going to someone and expecting them to tell you the right answer. Instead, Rudá creates an environment where you can discover the answers for yourself”.
Get digital access to the entire course on all devices: android, iOS, desktop and tablet

When you enroll, you also create a user profile at the same time. To access Out of the Box, simply login to The Vessel and you can easily navigate directly to the workshop.
Yes! Your enrollment in Out of the Box is backed by The Vessel’s 365-day money-back-guarantee. All you need to do is send an email within 365 days to support@thevessel.io and we’ll process your refund. No questions asked.
Out of the Box has been designed according to a 16-week program, with a clear schedule that we recommend you follow. However, you are free to move through the program at your own pace.
The lessons, videos and exercises have all been broken down into smaller chunks to make it easy to spend 10-20 minutes per day on Out of the Box.
Some people are concerned that they are already living very busy lives and won’t have time for Out of the Box.
To the contrary, Out of the Box is most effective when you are already busy with life! You are able to implement what you learn into your current life as you move through the program step-by-step.
Yes! All payments made on The Vessel are fully encrypted and processed by Stripe, an external payment processor. They used the most advanced technology to prevent fraudulent transactions and protect your credit card details. Your credit card details will be stored by Stripe and are never saved on The Vessel’s servers.