Part two: 2025 your year to shine

Dear and gentle reader, welcome to part two of this transformative journey where we are laying strong foundations for you to create a wonderful 2025 where you step fully into your brilliance.

Today, we dive into the engine room of creation—the place where dreams aligned with your heart start to take shape.

In part one, you connected with your heart, allowing its quiet brilliance to reveal what you deeply desire for this emerging year. That insight is more than just a foundation; it’s the compass guiding everything that follows.

And now, we step into the next exhilarating phase: harnessing the power of your subconscious to bring these desires to life.

Now that your vision is clear, it’s time to activate it with intention—the force that transforms dreams into reality. This is where it all gets real.

What you’ll discover today is not just a process—it’s the cornerstone of creating a year of adventure and profound achievement.

Intention is the bridge between your imagination and the reality you’re crafting.

Let’s dive in, and together, align the results you’d love to create with your inner brilliance. As we’ve already established, a clear vision of your end result is essential. You can revisit part one here.

Take a moment to reflect: What does your desired future look, feel, and sound like? Are there details you’d like to refine or expand?

Now, let’s turn our focus to today’s subject: intention, the powerhouse that converts your dreams into reality.

This process isn’t about sheer willpower or forcing outcomes. Instead, it’s about creating alignment—within your mind, emotions, and energy—so your desires flow naturally into existence.

As neuroscience tells us, the subconscious mind responds most powerfully to clear, emotionally charged intentions.

When you learn to harness this power, the results are nothing short of transformative. This is where clarity leads to inspired action transforming into the life you’re prepared to lead.

Excited? Let’s begin.

The power of intention: Aligning your subconscious with your heart’s desires

Forming an intention aligned with your highest purpose is your conscious choice to direct energy toward an important end result.

It’s not a mental wish; it’s the force that aligns your desires with the quantum field and begins the extraordinary process of bringing purposeful desires into form.

Picture your heart’s desires as a beam of light, and your intention as the magnifying glass that focuses that light, enlivening the quantum field.

Dear and gentle reader, this isn’t manifestation 101. This is about co-creating with the infinite potential of the quantum field, the space where all possibilities await. It is in this sacred space where intention acts as the catalyst between your heart’s desires and the process of creation.

Would you like to go deeper into harnessing the power of your subconscious and aligning with your heart’s desires?

The Power Within course is a valuable next step. Learn more and register here.

Your intention is the architect, and your subconscious the builder of your life

Your intention serves as the architect of your life, drafting the blueprints that guide your subconscious—the builder responsible for bringing your inner world into reality.

The purpose of an intention is to send clear instructions to your subconscious, telling it what to focus on and what to create.

But here’s the thing: your subconscious builder works with whatever plans it’s given, whether they’re intentional or outdated.

If old fears, limiting beliefs, or negative patterns dominate the blueprint, that’s exactly what your builder will construct—reinforcing the same walls and structures that no longer serve you.

This is where intention becomes transformative. Like a master architect revising flawed plans, your intention can break through old habits and redesign your inner blueprint to reflect the life your heart truly desires.

With every deliberate intention, you guide your subconscious builder to create something new—stronger foundations, brighter possibilities, and a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.

Finally: The blueprint for manifesting your desired reality

In a nutshell, the dynamic relationship between your heart’s desires, clarity, intention, and your subconscious is the key to creating your year of shine.

It all begins with your heart—where your true desires reside. When your heart reveals its desires, it’s like opening the blueprint of your soul’s purpose.

This is where intention steps in, translating these dreams into reality through your subconscious—the builder of your life.

When you connect with your heart, you access a wellspring of clarity, the clear vision of what you truly want. This clarity is more than a mere understanding; it becomes the ignition point for transformation.

With this clarity, you are ready to step into the next phase: setting your intention. When you set an intention, you’re not just making a wish—you’re sending a decisive message to your subconscious: This is the reality I choose to create.

Your intention acts as the architect, guiding the process of creation, and it is through intention that your heart’s desires begin to take form.

The next key step is focusing on the end result, not on the “how.” The “how” belongs to the universe; it will unfold through a seamless dance of synchronicity and synergy. As Einstein so beautifully put it, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

By stepping into the energy of your desired outcome—seeing it, feeling it, and embodying it—you begin the process of shaping the quantum field of infinite possibilities. The more vividly you hold your vision, the more powerful your intention becomes.

Your subconscious, like an unseen builder, follows the ‘plan’ provided by the architect and works with the quantum field, aligning your internal vision with the external world. This is where the magic happens—when your inner world begins to create harmonious links with the quantum field, an automatic process starts and your outer world begins to reflect the vision you hold most vividly within.

So, dear reader, this isn’t simply about setting goals—it’s an invitation to co-create with the universe itself.

Your intention ignites the engine of your subconscious and becomes the bridge between your inner and outer worlds. This alignment opens the door to synchronicity, where your thoughts, desires, and actions converge with the flow of life making manifest your desires.

When clarity, intention, and your subconscious work together, they unlock the magical process of turning imagination into real, tangible results. This is the blueprint for creating the life you desire.

How to program the subconscious with intention

Now that we understand the power of intention, let’s explore how you can program your subconscious to align with your desired reality:

Step 1: Write down your end result

Write your intention in vivid detail. Describe it as though it has already happened. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Where are you when you experience it? Who is with you? Be specific.

Step 2: Use visualization

Once you’ve written it down, close your eyes and visualize yourself living this reality. Feel yourself inside the experience. Engage all your senses to anchor the reality in your mind.

Step 3: Anchor it with emotions

Emotion is the language of the subconscious. The more vividly you feel the emotions associated with your intention—the joy, satisfaction, freedom, or peace—the more your subconscious will align with that energy. Feel it as though it is already yours.

In this way, intention becomes the link between the heart and the mind, between the conscious and the subconscious. You’re not just thinking about your goal; you’re living it, breathing it, and aligning with the process of building it.

Common pitfalls in intention-setting

Dear and gentle reader, hold up!

A word from the wisdom of experience: I would be remiss not to share some of the common pitfalls when setting intentions:

Asking “How”

Dear reader, I cannot stress this enough—don’t get lost in the question of “how will I make this happen?”

We live in a world where the question “How will you do that?” is given far too much weight.

Family, friends, colleagues, and even our own minds demand to know, “How will you make this happen?”

And when you find yourself at a loss for a concrete answer, it is all too easy to watch your dreams unravel in the face of doubt and fear.

I can tell you: “Asking How” is the killer of dreams.

So how do you approach the action phase of creation?

Essentially, leave the “how” to the universe. It’s not your job to micromanage the logistics. Your focus should be on the end result—the outcome you’re creating, not how it will unfold.

When you let go of needing to control the “how,” you open the door for the universe to bring forth the most amazing possibilities.

Inspired action

That said, let me be clear: surrendering the “how” doesn’t mean sitting back and waiting for things to happen.

The universe responds to clarity and intention, and it also responds to your action. The key is taking inspired action—the steps that feel aligned, those that resonate with the energy of your end result. Inspired action will appear to you as intuitive nudges or clear next steps. I will be covering this in detail in the next article.

Doubt and fear

Unchecked doubt and fear will block the flow of your intentions. These emotions are mostly rooted in past experiences and old beliefs that no longer serve you. When fear or doubt creeps in, acknowledge it, but don’t let it steer the ship.

Simply return to focusing on your end result, your intention, and the feelings that support it. Fear and doubt are just distractions—remind yourself of the bigger picture.

Practical tip:

Keep your focus on the ‘end result.’” Again and again bring your attention to the emotional resonance behind your heart’s desire—and let the quantum field respond with infinite possibilities. When the inspired action arises, take it with confidence, knowing it’s a step in alignment with your highest intention.

How to create powerful intentions

The key to crafting a truly powerful intention is to begin with the phrase: “My intention is to…

This simple shift in language signals to your mind that you’re no longer in the realm of wishful thinking. You’re claiming ownership of your desired outcome, grounding it in the present moment.

The blueprint for powerful intentions:

1) Start with “My intention is to…”

This phrase instantly grounds you in the present moment and activates your subconscious to focus on a clear, intentional outcome.

2) Focus on the end result.

Think about the finished picture—the life you are creating. Your intention should be centered around what you want to manifest, not the process you’ll go through to get there.

3) Be specific and clear.

The more specific you are about what you want, the more the universe can align with your energy. Specificity helps you build a mental picture, making it easier to stay focused on your end result.

4) Use positive, empowering language.

Focus on what you want to create, not on what you want to avoid. This shift in mindset ensures that your intentions are filled with positive energy.

5) Emotional connection.

Connect with how achieving your intention will make you feel. The more emotionally charged your intention, the more it becomes a magnet for your desires.

6) Speak in the present tense.

Phrase your intention as if it’s already happening. This helps align your energy with the belief that your desired outcome is inevitable and unfolding right now.

Examples of powerful intentions:


“My intention is to create financial abundance allowing me to live with freedom and peace, supporting my personal growth and helping others along the way.”


“My intention is to create a body that is strong, vibrant, and full of energy.”


“My intention is to create a loving, supportive, and passionate partnership that bringing joy, trust, and growth for both of us.”


“My intention is to create meaningful, authentic relationships flourishing with mutual respect, fun and understanding.”


“My intention is to create a successful and impactful business aligned with my purpose and contributing positively to the world.”

Personal growth:

“My intention is to live on purpose with a deep sense of inner peace and confidence guided by my intuition.”

Shining brightly:

“My intention is to Shine brightly allowing the very best in me to lead me forward.”

How to work with your intention:

Once you’ve crafted your intention, the next step is to visualize the outcome.

Imagine yourself already living this reality. Picture it clearly in your mind’s eye and feel the emotions tied to achieving your goal. This emotional resonance will act as a magnet, drawing your intention into your life with ease.

Speak your intention daily, reminding yourself that your vision is already unfolding. Let it fill your thoughts and guide your decisions. Most importantly, trust that the universe is working with you to bring it into reality.

To take your intention-setting to the next level, join us for the Power Within course—where you’ll learn how to supercharge your intentions and unlock the deeper, intuitive wisdom within you.

In this program, you’ll discover practical tools, strategies, and insights that will help you align with your highest potential and make 2025 your most transformative year yet.

Conclusion: Co-creating with the quantum field

Dear and gentle reader, as you embrace the power of intention and align your inner world with the infinite possibilities of the universe, trust that your dreams are already in motion.

As we wrap up today’s exploration of intention, I invite you to spend time with your desired end result and create a clear intention right now.

Write it down. Feel it. Visualize it. Anchor it with emotions that bring you joy and alignment with your highest purpose.

Remember, your intention is the bridge that connects your current reality with the reality you wish to create.

And know, you are not alone in this journey. As you set your intention, you are co-creating with the quantum field—aligning your energy with universal intelligence to bring your heart’s desires into form. Trust the process. Trust the field.

You’ve taken the first steps toward creating a luminous 2025, but why stop here?

Join me in The Power Within course. Reserve your place now and step into your brilliance.

With your powerful intention in place, you’re laying the groundwork for a life of abundance, love, and growth.

But there’s one final piece of the puzzle we need to explore: Inspired Action. In the next article, we explore how to create synergistic results and explore the magic of inspired action—the bridge between intention and reality.

Until then, dear and gentle reader, may your heart’s desires lead the way.

Feeling Lost in Life? This Masterclass Reveals Your True Calling

Do you ever wonder about your deeper purpose and meaning? Question if you’re fulfilling your true potential?

It’s easy to feel directionless, going through the motions each day without knowing why. Unsure of what you were put on this earth to do.

But everyone has a unique purpose and special talents to offer the world. The trick is uncovering what they are.

That’s why Justin Brown made this game-changing masterclass exposing common myths around finding your calling.

In this video training, you’ll discover:

  • Why visualization and meditation often fail to reveal your purpose
  • How to skip imagined futures and connect with your purpose here and now
  • Why toxic positivity hinders self-development
  • A simple but powerful exercise to pinpoint what you were born to do

With this radically different approach, your true calling will finally come into focus.

Stop wandering aimlessly without purpose and embrace your full potential.

Watch the masterclass to uncover your gifts and know the difference you’re here to make.


Picture of Julian Noel

Julian Noel

Julian Noel is an entrepreneur, transformative coach and author with over 30 years of experience in guiding individuals toward their true potential. Fusing ancient hermetic sciences with contemporary brain science and neuroplasticity, Julian has developed a unique coaching methodology, the "Shine Methodology," that empowers clients to connect with their intuition and unlock their "Power Within." Julian offers a warm and inviting approach, ensuring that everyone feels valued and understood.


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