Part one: 2025 your year to shine

Dear and gentle reader, HNY2025.

May this be the year you truly shine. There’s so much hype around the New Year.

Everyone wants to know: “What are your resolutions? What goals will you achieve? Who do you need to become in order to live your best life?”

Take a deep breath. This article is not about striving or becoming something you’re not. It’s about remembering who you truly are.

In this three-part series, 2025 Your year To Shine, you’ll explore how to align with the quiet brilliance within — that inspires and guides you toward being your authentic self—allowing you to step into 2025 with clarity and intention, creating a year of both adventure and achievement.

In article 1 you’ll begin by connecting with your heart, allowing your inner wisdom to rise to the surface and, reveal what you deeply desire. This will lay the foundation for the following 2 articles that will focus on the simple steps that will set you on the path to creating an unforgettable 2025—the year you shine.

A wise teacher from the East once said, “The dawning of a new year is like receiving the precious gift of a sparkling bar of gold—untouched, pure, and full of promise. What you choose to create from this bright, shining boon is entirely up to you.”

Hearing her words was like a double-edged sword, and I felt myself sitting uncomfortably wondering, “Would I squander it in distraction, or shape it into something extraordinary?”

And with the dawning of every new year since then her words echo within me.

Dear reader, what you’re about to explore is not the typical “Manifestation 101” so often taught in popular circles. This is about going beyond the dictates of the ego and aligning with your highest purpose and creating a life you truly love.

You will not be wishing for things to appear—you will be harmonising with universal intelligence, to shape a reality that expresses your highest potential.

Dear and gentle reader, as you sit with the dazzling promise of the year ahead, take a moment to listen—to what’s quietly calling to your heart.

What would you truly love more of in your life? Is it energy, joy, love, fulfillment or harmony? Perhaps abundance, balance, or freedom?

What areas of your life are yearning for your attention? Is it your health, relationships, career, spirituality, or finances?

Or maybe it’s a deep desire for personal growth, connection, or purpose.

Let these questions guide you as we begin this journey, opening the door to the life that’s calling you forward.

The power of clarity

Step one in the manifestation process is to become super clear about what it is you truly desire.

This isn’t about imagining some vague “better life.” It’s about tapping into the wisdom of your heart and uncovering your deepest desires.

Dear and gentle reader, clarity is a key anchor in manifesting what you truly desire. Without clarity, we can drift like a ship on an endless sea. The modern world is an ocean of distraction, with currents and tides pulling us in every direction.

The maelstrom of social media churns ceaselessly, roaring with opinions, media moguls, and personal growth celebrities. Unseen rips of consumerism and fear drag us into stormy seas, while conspiracy theories sweep us into rough waters.

The siren songs of Instagram and Facebook lure us into an endless swirl of comparison and self-doubt. And always, somewhere, a saccharine-voiced influencer offers us a low-cost, no-cost series—promising a map, yet leaving us without a compass.

Take heart, dear reader. Clarity is your lighthouse, and your heart, a steady beacon, guiding you toward brighter horizons and calmer waters.

To help you uncover what your heart truly desires, I’d like to share a simple yet profound exercise that I’ve used with hundreds of people all over the world. It’s a gentle way to tune in to your heart and receive its guidance.

Dear and gentle reader, whilst I have designed the following exercise to be experienced solo…

You will also benefit from sharing this experience with a friend, leading one another through this process. Take time to read this exercise a few times familiarizing yourself with the steps before you dive in.

Your heart’s desire exercise

Take your time as you follow these steps:

  1. Set an intention to listen deeply to what your heart truly wants for you.
  2. Select an area of your life that you’d love to explore—health, relationships, finances, career…
  3. Close your eyes and take a moment to simply be with yourself. Don’t rush. Be curious. Notice your thoughts and feelings without any need to change or modify them. Allow them to be as they are, and simply become aware.
  4. Allow yourself to be drawn towards a place of stillness within.
  5. Visualize yourself standing in front of an ancient archway, draped with a shimmering golden veil that waves gently in the softest breeze. On the other side of this golden veil is the world of your heart’s desires.
  6. Pause for a moment to connect with your intention of receiving your heart’s true desire, then step through the golden veil.
  7. Allow yourself to fully arrive fully in this sacred space—the field of your heart’s desire. Imagine soft, golden energy filling your entire being. Feel yourself shining and golden, enlivened by the shimmering vibrancy of your heart.
  8. Ask your heart to give you an insight into what it truly wants for you in the area you’ve chosen. Be open to whatever arises—words, images, feelings, or simply a sense of knowing. Take as much time as you need here. When you’re ready, gently return to the present moment, bringing with you any insights or feelings you’ve received.

Reflection and journaling

Once you’ve completed the exercise, write down what came to you.

Don’t worry if it feels abstract or incomplete; sometimes our heart speaks in whispers or symbols. Trust what arises. These insights are gifts, revealing the deeper truths of what you truly want.

As you reflect, be in dialogue with your heart. Ask for clarity. Allow yourself to explore and capture in words or pictures what resonated deeply with you. What stood out? What surprised you? What feelings arose?

As you journal, allow yourself to imagine and start to see clearly what your heart wishes for you. Capture the colors, shapes, and phrases that best express your heart’s desire. Allow your heart’s calling to begin to crystallize.

A word from the wise: Do not try to work out “how” you are going to attain your heart’s desire. Allow yourself to sit with the “end result.” Feel the energy of it, the frequency of it, what it feels like to have what you desire.

Meditate on it. Give it to yourself internally. Notice how you feel when you have attained your heart’s desire.

Next simple steps for you

Dear and gentle reader, well done.

Do not underestimate the value of what you’ve just accomplished. By completing these exercises, you’ve laid the foundation for everything you wish to manifest in 2025.

Now, let’s move forward and take the next steps. With clarity as your foundation, everything you want can now be built.

You’ve uncovered your true desires, and now we’ll align your actions and focus to bring them to life. I can’t wait to take the next steps with you!

In part two, we’ll dive into setting powerful intentions and harnessing the engine of creation—your subconscious mind—to align your reality with your dreams.

This is where the magic begins, and your desires start to take shape and manifest into tangible results.

For now, stay close to the golden glow of your heart’s wisdom. Trust the insights you’ve uncovered, meditate on them, imagine what it will feel like when they are fully manifested.

Give yourself the gift of experiencing them fully attained and let your imagination fuel the spark that lights the way to an extraordinary year ahead.

Feeling Lost in Life? This Masterclass Reveals Your True Calling

Do you ever wonder about your deeper purpose and meaning? Question if you’re fulfilling your true potential?

It’s easy to feel directionless, going through the motions each day without knowing why. Unsure of what you were put on this earth to do.

But everyone has a unique purpose and special talents to offer the world. The trick is uncovering what they are.

That’s why Justin Brown made this game-changing masterclass exposing common myths around finding your calling.

In this video training, you’ll discover:

  • Why visualization and meditation often fail to reveal your purpose
  • How to skip imagined futures and connect with your purpose here and now
  • Why toxic positivity hinders self-development
  • A simple but powerful exercise to pinpoint what you were born to do

With this radically different approach, your true calling will finally come into focus.

Stop wandering aimlessly without purpose and embrace your full potential.

Watch the masterclass to uncover your gifts and know the difference you’re here to make.


Picture of Julian Noel

Julian Noel

Julian Noel is an entrepreneur, transformative coach and author with over 30 years of experience in guiding individuals toward their true potential. Fusing ancient hermetic sciences with contemporary brain science and neuroplasticity, Julian has developed a unique coaching methodology, the "Shine Methodology," that empowers clients to connect with their intuition and unlock their "Power Within." Julian offers a warm and inviting approach, ensuring that everyone feels valued and understood.


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