Ever wanted to seem intelligent without saying “Hey, did you know, I’m intelligent?” Yep, chances are that wouldn’t get you very far.
Intelligence is about so much more than throwing yourself into political debates or reciting the encyclopedia by heart.
Being the loudest person in the room doesn’t make you the most intelligent. Intelligence is often subtle and understated. It’s not only about the information you can recall –– it’s about how you interpret and respond to the world around you.
Let’s face it, we all want others to view us as perceptive and intelligent. In this article, I’ll share 10 ways you can make people think you’re intelligent without speaking.
1) Maintain balanced eye contact
I know, it’s not easy! Making eye contact with someone can leave you feeling strangely vulnerable. However, it can show that you’re interested in what they’re saying. Interest is a key indicator of intelligence.
If you find it difficult to look someone directly in the eyes, I recommend picking a spot just between, above, or below their eyes and focusing on that.
Don’t forget to blink though…
It’s important to find a balance between maintaining eye contact and staring somebody down. The direct gaze might also be perceived as a threat, or provoke feelings of aggression if there’s too much of it.
2) Listen actively
It’s no secret that active listening is related to emotional intelligence. There are many non-verbal ways to show you’re listening and understanding what the speaker has to say:
- Maintain eye contact
- Smile
- Nod your head
- Don’t interrupt them
- Make small ‘listening sounds’ like “hmm,” or “yeah”
Something I often remind myself to do when I’m losing concentration is that everyone knows something I don’t. Every single person has something they can teach you — even if they don’t know it.
Most importantly, you should show complete investment in the speaker. Make them feel like you are 100% engaged. Don’t play with your hair, fidget, or look around you.
3) Read, read, read
It’s been proven that reading sharpens the mind. Not only does it improve concentration and memory skills, it boosts your creativity and imagination.
You think you don’t have time to read. Hate to break it to you, but if you have time to watch an hour of Netflix every evening, you definitely have time to introduce a few pages of a book to your daily life.
I personally find that the more I make it into a habit (10 consecutive days is the charm), the more likely I am to bring a book into the public sphere and read when I have a spare moment.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to carry a dog-eared copy of Doestovsky’s Crime and Punishment around with you at all times.
But every time I spot someone reading on public transport amidst faces entranced on social media, my automatic response is, ah yes –– here we have it: a member of the intelligentsia.
4) Swap out music for podcasts
I love popping on my headphones and just listening to some music as a way to zone out. There’s nothing wrong with that, but try listening to a podcast or an audiobook from time to time.
Music is great for exploring your feelings — podcasts and audiobooks let you explore new ideas and learn about the world.
Not only do they keep your mind active while folding your laundry or doing the dishes, but they also provide invaluable conversation starters.
If someone sitting next to you on the bus asks what you’re listening to, wouldn’t it be great to whip out your phone and impress them with a podcast on world history?
Podcasts and audiobooks have surged in popularity over the last few years. So, the next time you see or hear an audible commercial (I can’t be the only one here), give it a go! Your brain’s like a hungry child that needs feeding to stay healthy.
5) Be punctual
Shakespeare once said, “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” I think this is a bit of an overkill on Shakespeare’s part, but there’s no doubt about it –– punctuality is the currency of princes!
Be on time for class, for your work meeting, for that coffee with a friend, and dates. People will respect you for it.
People will know you as that person who’s always on time, who has their life together. I’m not saying being late means you’re guileless — it happens to all of us. But being punctual shows respect for time and the people you’re meeting.
6) Be organized
Organization skills go hand-in-hand with punctuality. If you can keep your personal sphere organized, it indicates you’re mentally organized too. Chaos breeds more chaos, and order creates orderliness.
A tidy physical space means a tidy head space. A tidy head space means that clear, well-thought-out decisions can be made. It means that problems can be analyzed and solved without any clutter getting in the way.
Ever heard of a mind palace? This is an imaginary space created by you and for you that will help you sort through, store, and recall all kinds of information. Think of it as a personal filing system, or a house with rooms.
Could you try and turn this into a physical space? A small corner at home or in the office. A space where you know you can find exactly what you need at all times.
Get out those planners and storage boxes, friends!
7) Pick up a niche hobby
You might already have this one down without realizing it. Think about it for a moment, do you have any hobbies, pastimes, or interests that are unique, even better, a bit strange? Is there something that ignites your passion like no other?
Do you…
Practice Celtic calligraphy?
Host an ant farm in the back garden?
Recreate extinct animals in origami?
Collect coins from the 1800’s?
Compete in bee-keeping competitions?
What are you obsessed with basically?
Whatever it may be, it will present you with the delicious opportunity of being an expert on a specific subject that those around you haven’t the faintest idea about.
8) Practice good posture
I remember being in a meeting last week with about 5 other people. I also remember noticing that the person sitting across from me was sitting slouched back in their chair with their head in their hand. Honestly, he looked downright bored.
The person right next to them happened to be sitting upright, with their arms folded on the table. They were looking intently at whoever was speaking, nodding along at regular intervals.
They had about them the air of understanding. All of these factors combined meant they looked alert, and… well… pretty smart!
Slumped shoulders and a bowed head not only make you look like a hunchback but can make you appear disinterested.
9) Carry around a notebook
I’m sure I’m not the only one who remembers that one kid in class who sat at the front always taking notes. Would you have considered them intelligent? Most likely the answer is yes.
You can be this kid, or… adult. Try and make it a habit to always have pen and paper on you to jot things down.
Note-taking shows a willingness to interact with the subject at hand. It has many benefits, including enhanced memory retention, and a deeper understanding of the topic. On top of this, hand-written notes have been proven to be the most effective form.
10) Be curious
Last but not least, be inquisitive! Intelligence is often linked to having a deep curiosity about the world.
Make it your mission to observe as many things as possible in your surroundings.
Usually, the more you know, the more you want to know. So don’t be shy about your inquisitiveness:
- Read openly
- Question things you wouldn’t normally question
- Take that second look
- Note the small things
- Listen closely
- Take your time – you will notice so much more
- Go to museums, theaters, and cultural events
Final Thoughts
Finally, we all want to come across as intelligent, but it can be difficult to convey all you know without directly conveying it.
The most important thing to remember is that intelligence comes in many forms, and people will notice intelligence even in quiet, unassuming habits.
Be open to learning constantly –– and your inner intelligence will show.
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