15 signs you’re a kind person with genuine compassion, according to psychology

We are all inclined to think of ourselves as kind and caring people.  

But look around, how many genuinely good people do you know? 

People who serve others without expecting anything in return… 

The fact is genuinely kind-hearted people are rarer than you think.  

Not that most people don’t do wonderful things for others, but genuine compassion is selfless and often self-sacrificing. And that’s what makes it so scarce. (Call me a cynic!)  

Here are 15 signs you’re a kind person with genuine compassion, according to psychology. 

1) You’re cool with yourself

Research show that genuine compassion springs from genuine authenticity.  

Genuinely compassionate people don’t pretend to be someone they are not, and they’re not in denial about their flaws. They are comfortable in their own skin and are not afraid to appear different to others.  

And it’s black and white: People are either authentic or they are not.  

And no one can be authentic unless they embrace the good, bad, and ugly of who they are.  

So, if you accept yourself for exactly who you are and happily own your imperfections, that suggests you’re on the way to being a genuinely kind person

Our next sign is sort of a knock-on of authenticity… 

2) ‘Things’ don’t really interest you

Being real and authentic generally leaves people with little time for superficiality.  

So, psychology says the next way of knowing you’re a kind person with genuine compassion is that you’re disinterested in material things.  

Nor are you likely to be motivated by money or status, and rampant consumerism probably makes you feel ill! 

You’re far more interested in and motivated by altruistic objectives.  

3) You’re interested in other people

Are you interested in the stories and perspectives of others?  

Genuinely compassionate people are fascinated by other people’s lives and always want to learn more about how people think and what makes them tick. 

They are empathetic and always trying to put people at ease by establishing commonalities with those around them.  

4) You’re straight but sensitive

Giving people the gift of honesty signals a belief in their worth and a respect for them.  

But being straight with people sensitively is the mark of a kind and genuinely compassionate person.  

And the more honest someone is, the kinder and more compassionate they are. 

It goes back to being authentic.  

Because being real with yourself means that you’re also real with others. 

5) You’re humble about everything

Are you somewhat uncomfortable with excessive praise?  

Are you happier when your efforts are acknowledged but not dwelt on by others? 

Research indicates that humility is a mark of a genuinely compassionate person.  

Because these people do not consider themselves superior to others in any way.  

In fact, they may even undervalue their contribution.  

Why? Because they’re not motivated by ego and do what they do in the service of something greater.  

6) You’re extremely considerate

Studies have found that those who are kind and compassionate are extremely respectful and considerate of other people.  

Their high level of emotional intelligence makes them attuned to the unspoken needs and desires of others.  

As a result, they are deferential and don’t overstep people’s boundaries.  

7) You’re super generous

Compassion can be defined as an emotional response to the suffering of others and the authentic desire to help. 

This empathy and sensitivity to other people’s feelings and needs results in a generous nature. And that’s a generosity of resources, energy, and time.  

So, if you find yourself deeply affected by other people’s pain and go out of your way to help in any way you can, you are genuinely kind and compassionate. 

8) You don’t judge others. Ever

Psychology tells us that genuinely compassionate people are mindful of the emotions and experiences of others, even if they are worlds apart from their own.  

They understand that their personal viewpoints and observations of the world will differ wildly from other people too.  

And they’re cool with that.  

This open-mindedness means they are non-judgmental and non-prejudiced and love and accept people as they are.  

So, if you make it a rule not to judge others, chances are you’re genuinely compassionate.  

9) You let things go  

And staying with accepting people (and things) as they are… 

Deeply compassionate people tend to be non-defensive in their interactions with others.  

They understand that everyone has their issues, hang-ups, and biases, and know not to take things personally.  

Do you generally give people the benefit of the doubt when a misunderstanding occurs? 

Are you strong enough to forgive those who hurt you?  

If yes answered yes to both, you’re likely an incredibly kind and compassionate (and strong!) person.  

10) You appreciate everything 

Do you feel happy and lucky in your life right now? 

Do you tend to focus on what you have rather than what you desire? 

Maybe you always manage to be grateful for what you have no matter what challenges you’re facing? 

Research suggests that the more attuned someone is to the needs of other people, the less inclined they are to overthink and find flaws with their own life.  

So, if you tend toward gratitude and being thankful for the positive things in your life, chances are you’re a genuinely kind and compassionate person.  

11) You strive to unite people

Is there anything better than seeing two people you just introduced joking and laughing together? 

Do you get a kick out of being the conduit that connects people socially and professionally?  

If you’re the type of person who can inspire trust, build connections, and create an environment of sincerity, you’re probably a genuinely compassionate and kind person.  

Research also suggests that kind people’s urge to find commonalities between people also makes them excellent mediators.  

An incredible skill for life!  

12) You try to elevate others  

Kind and compassionate people put the spotlight on other people’s achievements and talents when there is zero personal gain.  

(Or should I say, especially when there is no personal gain.)  

According to psychology, genuinely compassionate people actively encourage and support others in their endeavors and celebrate their achievements.  

Their kindness leads them to do their best to be the cheerleaders of those they care about, and those who need it!  

So, if this sounds like you, you’re a genuinely compassionate person (and a total legend).  

13) You want the best for others

It’s easy to be happy for others when we are happy ourselves.  

But it’s challenging to be enthusiastic about other people’s lives when we are having a hard time in ours.  

And research shows that this is where the genuinely compassionate and kind differ from the rest of us.  

These people simply want the best for others and will be sincerely happy for them regardless of how bleak or sad their own personal situation is.  

So, if you’re someone who supports and celebrates others, even when you are struggling yourself, chances are you’re deeply compassionate.  

14) You stand over your actions

The final sign you’re a kind person with genuine compassion is that you take responsibility for your actions and stand over your decisions. 

Consistency is important to you, in your dealings with others and your attitude to yourself.  

And the most genuine people are consistent in their beliefs and their actions, even during challenging times. They have integrity and stick to their principles through thick and thin.  

So, if you’re the type of person who people can rely on to take responsibility and be true to their word, you’re most likely a genuinely kind person.   

15) Others know they can depend on you

Not a million miles away from owning responsiblity… 

Research shows that genuinely kind and compassionate people are reliable and dependable.  

They are people of their word, therefore if they say they will do something or make a promise, they always follow through.  

So, if people describe you as loyal and reliable, chances are you’re one of the kind and genuinely compassionate ones.   

Final thoughts  

It is the different ways of seeking to understand, support, and comfort others that show someone is genuinely kind and compassionate. 

And it is this selfless nature of theirs (and possibly yours) that makes them absolute gems!  

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Picture of Niamh McNamara

Niamh McNamara

A freelance writer fascinated with human nature and social dynamics, Niamh read literature, history, and philosophy at university before spending time in journalism and PR. Armed with a passion for words and ideas, and a healthy appreciation of the ridiculous, she tries to make sense of it all.


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