7 reasons why today’s generation is redefining spirituality amidst skepticism

I’ve been a spiritual seeker—apart from a few bouts of skepticism—for most of my adult life.

Yet, as an adult who chooses to redefine spirituality—and is content in doing so—I feel constant pressure to justify my choice.

Pressure comes from discussions with older generations, who tend to question why I am the way that I am.

The result of this pressure?

Following faiths based on expectations that are difficult to live up to.

In this article, I’m going to try to convince you that there is no shame in choosing to redefine spirituality. I’ll do this by sharing 7 reasons why it’s okay for today’s generation to redefine spirituality amidst skepticism.

1) They’re embracing uncertainty

This was a significant shift for me to realize.

“Faithful adherence” came from the belief that religion was the absolute truth in my life.

But the reality is that my spirituality is what provided meaning after things were already happening.

I know this may seem a bit confusing at first. So, let’s reflect on what I mean.

Remember when we thought religion had all the answers? That was the deal, right?

Follow the rules, and you get the ultimate reward—whether it’s eternal peace, enlightenment, or a spot in heaven.

But let’s get real: hasn’t life taught us that nothing is ever that straightforward?

Think about your life right now.

  • Your experiences shape you by themselves.
  • Your emotions ebb and flow by themselves.
  • Your perceptions evolve by themselves.

While reading these words, I’m sure you’ve processed a few thoughts by yourself.

The thing is that your beliefs, like your experiences, emotions, and perceptions, evolve naturally.

They’re a part of you but not the whole of you.

So why try to cram them into an ill-fitting box? Why not let them breathe, shift, and grow just like you do?

Just let go of the illusion of certainty that comes from believing your religious beliefs are absolute.

They aren’t.

Your personal experiences are, and they are most powerful when they happen without preconceived notions.

2) They know spirituality is not a competition

Now I know that spirituality is not a competition. But I have to admit, I had to learn that the hard way.

You know that feeling when you’re scrolling through Instagram and see someone posting about their perfect meditation session or that life-changing retreat they just went to?

I’ve been there. And let me tell you, the comparison game is a slippery slope.

I used to think that I needed to meditate for hours or read every spiritual book out there to prove that I was “doing spirituality right.”

But here’s the truth:

The moment I turned my spiritual journey into a competition, it lost its essence.

Yes, spirituality became another item on my to-do list rather than a meaningful part of my life.

So, do you find yourself comparing your spiritual journey to others? Feeling like you’re not “spiritual enough” if you haven’t practiced yoga for a decade or haven’t gone on some exotic retreat?

If so, I want you to face one thing:

Spirituality is a deeply personal experience. What does it mean?

Well, what works for me might not resonate with you, and that’s totally okay.

The goal is not to ‘win’ at spirituality but to find what brings you peace, clarity, and a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.

3) They question everything

You can tell yourself that this is a spiritual journey, but you know what?

Before long, you might find yourself questioning the very beliefs you grew up with.

You might even find yourself on the receiving end of that skepticism. Why?

Because few journeys are strong enough to weather that kind of storm.

The thing is that skepticism rears its ugly head in all spiritual quests.

But what if you willingly put yourselves in a position to question everything?

Then, you’re undoubtedly asking for growth.

Also, it’s important to ask yourself about the role of skepticism in your life.

Perhaps you and your peers are feeling skeptical because you have genuine questions about spirituality. Or maybe, you’re skeptical because you’ve been fed a one-size-fits-all version of spirituality that just doesn’t sit right with you.

Sounds familiar?

I mean, how many times have you heard something in a sermon, read something in a sacred text, or listened to a spiritual leader and thought, “Wait a minute, that doesn’t make any sense to me”?

I’ve been there, wrestling with questions that never seemed to get clear answers.

And you know what I’ve realized?

That questioning is not a spiritual roadblock — it’s a signpost pointing toward deeper understanding.

4) They consider spirituality a personal journey

Remember how we talked about embracing questions and skepticism?

Well, here’s an interesting fact to mull over:

According to a study by the Pew Research Center, today people are more likely to identify as “spiritual but not religious”.

Needless to say, this wasn’t really the case with older generations, right?

Now you might be wondering what this trend says about the modern generation.

The thing is that more and more people are choosing to see spirituality as a personal journey rather than a rigid set of beliefs.

And honestly, this makes perfect sense in the context of our previous point.


Simple: when you question, you seek answers tailored to your own experiences and perceptions, making your spiritual path inherently personal.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told, “That’s not how we do things here,” when exploring spiritual practices outside of my original faith.

It’s as if venturing beyond established norms is some kind of betrayal.

But guess what?

My spiritual path is mine to walk, just as yours is yours to explore.

Trust me, this shift in perspective frees you from the constraints of dogma and opens you up to a world of spiritual possibilities that can be tailored to fit your unique self.

5) They’re prioritizing experience over beliefs

So, we’ve established that spirituality is a personal journey.

And one of the key ways today’s generation is doing that?

By prioritizing experience over beliefs. I know it’s tough, but it does make sense, right?

Let me break it down:

  • Direct encounters with the divine (however you define it) often carry more weight than written doctrines.
  • Experiencing a sense of peace or connection through meditation can speak volumes more than an ancient text.
  • Real-world acts of kindness and compassion often trump theoretical discussions about morality.

The thing is, skepticism and the quest for spirituality also dictate how we approach life experiences.

In observing today’s generation, I’ve noticed a shift in focus:

They are less interested in adopting spiritual beliefs and more inclined towards having spiritual experiences.

Their skepticism fuels this approach.

They question religious dogmas and spiritual ideologies, demanding firsthand experiences instead of secondhand beliefs.

And the best part?

I’ve found that when spirituality becomes experiential, it turns from an abstract concept into a lived reality.

For me, it’s less about reciting prayers or creeds and more about the moments that give me a sense of connection or insight.

Those are the experiences that tell me more about my spiritual path than any doctrine ever could.

6) They’re integrating spirituality into everyday life

This is where it gets personal for me.

For a long time, I believed that spirituality was a separate part of life, something to be practiced at specific times or places, like during meditation or at a religious institution.

However, my observation of the younger generation changed this perspective.

I remember a conversation with my younger cousin, who identifies as spiritual but not religious.

He explained how he found spirituality in everyday activities – from mindful eating to conscious breathing and even during his daily commute.

The thing is that he saw these mundane moments as opportunities to connect with his inner self and the universe.

Impressive, right?

This was a revelation for me, at least.

The idea that spirituality could be woven into the fabric of daily life was transformative. It redefined my understanding of what it means to be spiritual.

It wasn’t about isolated moments of prayer or meditation but about infusing every moment with a sense of presence and connectedness.

If they can persist in integrating spirituality into their everyday life, their days will become a living meditation.

They won’t need to compartmentalize their spiritual practices.

They will be able to live out their spirituality.

7) They’re leveraging technology for spiritual growth

And finally, I bet you won’t be surprised if I tell you that the digital revolution has impacted every aspect of our lives.

Spirituality is no exception.

Today’s generation is utilizing technology like never before to cultivate their spiritual practices.

Here’s the crucial point:

This trend is shifting the landscape of spirituality, making it more accessible and versatile.

From mindfulness apps to online yoga classes, digital platforms are providing new ways to explore and practice spirituality.

For instance, they can meditate with an app in the comfort of their home or join an online spiritual community that resonates with their beliefs.

And you know what?

Using these new platforms is a testament to their adaptability and their commitment to exploring spirituality in an increasingly digital world.

Final thoughts

So as we reflect on these 7 reasons, let’s remember that this isn’t just about understanding today’s generation.

It’s about appreciating the broader transformation taking place in our understanding of spirituality amidst skepticism.

That’s the real essence of this discourse.

And you know what?

  • If you find yourself feeling lost or pressured, take a step back and reflect. What’s true for you?
  • If you’re questioning, good! Those questions might lead you to a more authentic version of yourself.
  • And if you’re seeking experiences rather than adhering strictly to beliefs, you’re already on a journey of profound personal growth.

You don’t need anyone’s permission to explore, redefine, or even reject the spiritual norms handed down to you.

Your spirituality should be as individual as you are, rooted in your own experiences, questions, and discoveries.

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Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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