People who squeeze joy out of each day often have these 7 habits in common

“Seize the day!” is a phrase we’ve all heard time and again. But have you ever wondered how some people manage to squeeze every drop of joy out of their daily lives?

Here’s the scoop.

It’s not magic, nor is it about having an easy life. It’s actually more about daily habits and attitudes. Some people seem to have a knack for finding happiness in the smallest of things, living life to its fullest, and embracing each day with a joyous heart.

In this article, we’re going to delve into the 7 common habits of those who know how to make every day count. 

If you’re keen on learning how to add a dash more happiness to your everyday, you’re in the right place.

Often, it’s the simple things and daily practices that make life a joyous journey. 

So let’s dive in, shall we?

1) They practice gratitude

People who live joyous lives make it a habit to count their blessings. They focus on what they have, rather than what they lack.

Gratitude helps us to see our situation in a way that can lessen panic and open up our thinking to new solutions. Plus, it’s a powerful way to boost positivity and well-being.

And guess what?

You don’t need any specific reason to be grateful. It could be as simple as appreciating a beautiful sunrise, a good cup of coffee, or the fact that you woke up this morning.

Gratitude is not just for Thanksgiving. Make it a daily habit, and watch your life change for the better.

2) They find joy in the little things

A few years ago, I found myself always waiting for the next big thing – the weekend, a holiday, a promotion. But I realized I was missing out on the small everyday joys that life had to offer.

People who squeeze joy out of each day often have this habit in common: they find happiness in the little things.

For example, I remember when my son was just two years old. One day, we were walking in the park and he was absolutely fascinated by a caterpillar crossing our path. He watched it with such wonder and delight that it made me pause and appreciate the moment too.

Now, I make it a point to notice and enjoy these small moments of joy every day. The smell of fresh coffee in the morning, a good book, a shared laugh with a friend – they all add up to make life richer.

So look around you, joy is often found in the most unexpected places!

3) They embrace the present moment

Let me tell you a little story.

A few years back, I found myself constantly worrying about the future. What if this? What if that? My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, and I was missing out on the here and now.

The day I decided to start practicing mindfulness was a game-changer for me. 

I remember sitting in my backyard on a sunny afternoon, feeling the warmth on my face, listening to the birds chirping, and simply enjoying being in that moment. It was an ordinary day, but I felt an extraordinary sense of peace and happiness.

Living in the moment doesn’t mean you abandon all thoughts about the past or future. But it’s about not letting those thoughts steal the joy of what’s happening right now.

So, next time you catch yourself drifting into yesterday’s regrets or tomorrow’s worries, take a deep breath and bring yourself back to the present moment. 

There’s joy to be found right here, right now.

4) They cultivate positive relationships

Ever noticed how some people are just good at making and maintaining friendships?

People who maximize their daily joy often have strong, positive relationships – and it’s no coincidence. They invest time and energy in nurturing these relationships because they understand the immense value they add to life.

They surround themselves with people who uplift them, challenge them, and inspire them. They make time for meaningful conversations, shared laughter, and experiences that create memories.

In contrast, they distance themselves from toxic relationships and negative influences that can drain their joy.

So take a moment to reflect on your relationships. Are they adding to your joy or taking away from it? 

Remember, the company you keep can significantly influence your happiness.

5) They make time for self-care

Here’s something you might find interesting.

Caring for oneself is not just about spa days and indulging in your favorite dessert (though they certainly don’t hurt!). It’s about nourishing your body, mind, and soul.

People who squeeze every ounce of joy out of their day understand the importance of self-care. They ensure they are eating healthily, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular physical activity.

Did you know that exercise releases endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural mood lifters? That’s why after a good workout, you often feel happier and more relaxed.

But self-care goes beyond just physical wellness. It also involves taking time to relax, de-stress, and do things that you love – be it reading a book, painting, or simply spending some quiet time alone.

6) They practice kindness

When I was younger, I used to think that happiness was all about achieving personal goals and dreams. But over time, I’ve learned that extending kindness to others adds a layer of joy that’s unmatched.

People who make the most of each day do so by spreading kindness. They understand that every small act of kindness – a smile, a compliment, a helping hand – can make a difference in someone’s day.

One winter, I helped an elderly neighbor shovel snow from her driveway. It was a small act, but the gratitude in her eyes filled me with warmth and happiness. That experience taught me that the joy we gain from being kind often surpasses the joy we receive.

Small acts done with great love can bring immense joy – both to you and to those around you. So why not spread a little kindness today?

7) They choose to be happy

Now here’s the most crucial point.

Those who squeeze joy out of each day make a conscious choice to be happy. They understand that happiness is not a destination, but a journey, and they choose to make that journey joyful.

Sure, they face challenges and hardships like everyone else. But they don’t let these experiences steal their joy. Instead, they choose to look for the silver lining, to find something positive in every situation.

Remember, happiness is a choice. And sometimes, it’s the simple act of choosing to be happy that can make all the difference. So why not make that choice today? You might be surprised at how much joy you can squeeze out of each day!

The takeaway

So, there you have it.

It’s about making small, deliberate choices every day that lead to a more joyful existence. It’s about choosing to focus on the positive, being present in the moment, and taking care of both yourself and others.

Remember the wisdom shared by ancient philosopher Epictetus – “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”

So why not choose joy?

Reflect on these habits. Which ones resonate with you? Which ones could you start incorporating into your daily routine?

Start small. Try incorporating one new habit at a time. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.

And remember, the journey to a joy-filled life is a personal one, unique to each of us. Enjoy the journey and make each day count. 

After all, life is too short for anything less than joy.

Feeling Lost in Life? This Masterclass Reveals Your True Calling

Do you ever wonder about your deeper purpose and meaning? Question if you’re fulfilling your true potential?

It’s easy to feel directionless, going through the motions each day without knowing why. Unsure of what you were put on this earth to do.

But everyone has a unique purpose and special talents to offer the world. The trick is uncovering what they are.

That’s why Justin Brown made this game-changing masterclass exposing common myths around finding your calling.

In this video training, you’ll discover:

  • Why visualization and meditation often fail to reveal your purpose
  • How to skip imagined futures and connect with your purpose here and now
  • Why toxic positivity hinders self-development
  • A simple but powerful exercise to pinpoint what you were born to do

With this radically different approach, your true calling will finally come into focus.

Stop wandering aimlessly without purpose and embrace your full potential.

Watch the masterclass to uncover your gifts and know the difference you’re here to make.


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