If you display these 10 behaviors, you probably have excellent social skills

Navigating social situations isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some of us are naturally equipped to handle any social situation, while others may struggle.

But you know what? Social skills can be developed, and certain behaviors can be a clear indication of strong social abilities.

I’m here to guide you through 10 behaviors that suggest you’re rocking the social skills game. So, if you find yourself displaying these traits, give yourself a pat on the back because you’re doing great! And if not, no worries! This is your chance to learn and grow.

So, let’s dive into this journey of self-discovery and identify the signs of excellent social skills.

1) You’re a good listener

In the world of communication, listening is just as crucial as speaking, if not more so.

Having excellent social skills isn’t just about being a good conversationalist. It’s also about being a good listener.

You know, the one who makes eye contact, nods in acknowledgement, and offers thoughtful responses.

In fact, being a good listener can often make you the most popular person in the room. People love to be heard and understood.

Remember, listening isn’t just about waiting for your turn to speak. It’s about understanding and empathizing with others. And that’s what makes a real difference in social interactions.

2) You adapt to different social situations

I’ve always been a bit of a social chameleon.

For example, I remember once when I attended a friend’s birthday party. It was a mixed crowd, with people from different social circles. Some were friends from college, some were my friend’s colleagues, and others were family members.

Each group had its own vibe and conversational topics – the college friends were reminiscing about old times, the colleagues were discussing work-life balance, and the family was talking about recent travels.

I found myself moving seamlessly between these groups, adapting my conversation style to fit each one. One moment I was laughing about a crazy college memory, the next I was engaged in a serious discussion about workplace stress.

This ability to adapt to different social situations is a strong indicator of excellent social skills. It shows that you’re not just stuck in your own world but can connect with different people on different levels.

3) You are aware of non-verbal cues

Communication isn’t just about words – a significant part of it is non-verbal. Body language, facial expressions, and even the tone of voice play a crucial role in conveying our thoughts and feelings.

Research suggests that as much as 55% of communication is non-verbal. So, if you’re good at picking up these cues, it’s a clear indicator that you have excellent social skills.

Being aware of non-verbal cues helps you understand people better. You can tell if someone’s uncomfortable, excited, or even lying by observing their body language.

4) You give compliments genuinely

Compliments are a universal language of kindness. But the key is in their authenticity.

People with excellent social skills understand the power of a genuine compliment. They know how to appreciate others without sounding insincere or flattery.

It’s not just about saying nice things, but noticing the small details that others might overlook. Maybe it’s their unique style, or the way they handled a tough situation, or just their infectious laughter.

5) You’re comfortable with silence

In conversations, silence can sometimes feel uncomfortable and awkward. But those with excellent social skills know that it’s not something to be afraid of.

Silence can actually be a powerful tool in communication. It gives people a chance to pause, reflect, and absorb what has been said. And sometimes, it speaks louder than any words could.

So if you’re someone who can sit comfortably in silence, without rushing to fill every quiet moment with chatter, then you’ve mastered another important aspect of social skills.

Remember, silence isn’t empty. It’s full of answers. So embrace it, and let it add depth to your conversations.

6) You express empathy

We all go through tough times, and often, what we need the most during these times is not advice, but empathy.

Those with excellent social skills understand this. They know how to put themselves in others’ shoes, how to feel their pain and share their joy.

They don’t dismiss someone’s feelings or try to fix them immediately. Instead, they acknowledge those feelings and offer comfort.

At the end of the day, we’re all humans craving connection. And empathy is what bridges that connection.

7) You’re not afraid to show your true self

Growing up, I always felt the need to fit in, to mold myself according to what I thought others expected of me. But over time, I realized that the best way to connect with people is by being authentic.

It’s not always easy, especially in a world that often favors perfection. But people with excellent social skills understand that it’s okay to be vulnerable, to show their flaws and quirks.

Being your authentic self allows others to connect with you on a deeper level. It shows them that you’re human, just like them. And that can be incredibly comforting.

8) You don’t shy away from disagreements

Disagreements can often feel uncomfortable. It’s natural to want to avoid conflict and maintain harmony. But here’s the thing – healthy disagreement is actually a sign of excellent social skills.

People who are good at social interactions understand that disagreements are not always negative. They can lead to better understanding, mutual respect, and even stronger relationships.

Avoiding disagreements altogether can lead to superficial relationships where important issues are swept under the carpet.

Keep in mind, it’s not about winning an argument, but about understanding different perspectives.

9) You respect boundaries

In any social interaction, respecting others’ boundaries is crucial. It’s about understanding and acknowledging that everyone has their own comfort zones and limits.

Those with excellent social skills are aware of this. They don’t push people into places they’re not comfortable with, nor do they overstep their boundaries.

They know when to offer help and when to give space. They understand the fine balance between being supportive and being intrusive.

10) You practice kindness

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Those with excellent social skills know that kindness is the most powerful tool in their arsenal. They understand the importance of treating everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their background, beliefs or status.

Kindness is not just about grand gestures. It’s often the small acts – a warm smile, a helping hand, a listening ear – that make the biggest difference.

So if you’re someone who believes in spreading kindness wherever they go, then you’re not just socially skilled, but also making the world a better place.

Final thoughts: It’s about connection

The essence of social skills lies not in the ability to impress others, but in the ability to connect with them on a deeper level.

The behaviors we’ve discussed here – listening, adapting, observing non-verbal cues, giving genuine compliments, being comfortable with silence and disagreements, expressing empathy, showing your true self, respecting boundaries, and practicing kindness – they all boil down to one thing: connection.

So if you see these behaviors in yourself, then you’re not just socially skilled. You’re also a bridge builder, a connector. And in a world where division often takes center stage, that’s an incredibly powerful thing to be.

As we step out into our social spheres today, let’s aim not just to impress but to connect. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about how many people we know. It’s about how many people we truly understand and connect with.

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Picture of Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham, based in Auckland, writes about the psychology behind everyday decisions and life choices. His perspective is grounded in the belief that understanding oneself is the key to better decision-making. Lucas’s articles are a mix of personal anecdotes and observations, offering readers relatable and down-to-earth advice.


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